Saturday, Dec. 11, 2009 was a huge night for Saturday Night Live. The guest host was Taylor Lautner, the 17 year old muscle machine from the most anticipated movie of the year, New Moon.
Taylor Lautner did an amazing job hosting the show. He was hilarious, charismatic, and simply just a great actor to watch him being funny. He let loose, and it was apparent that he was comfortable being the center of attention, while being very goofy. His skits including karate kicking Kanye West's head off, playing a Russian choir member, a crazed Team Edawrd fan, and many more. Here are some clips from the show that aired Saturday.
This particular episode of SNL had the highest ratings of the season for the show. Of course, no one wanted to miss Taylor's performance. Now, the issue is just getting Robert Pattinson to do the show!
Please leave me your comments on what you thought about the show. Thanks you guys!
Good Morning to all my readers! I love ya'll BOTH of you! lol j/k. Really, I'm thankful for every person that takes the time to read my blog, & POST! :)
Today, I don't have a juicy story or any headlining news.
Today, I want to take the time to give a shout out to my VERY SPECIAL Twitter friends & followers. First of all, I want to say that each one of these people, even though they are complete strangers, have made a positive impact on my life. Being in such a politically & economically divided country, at the moment, it brings hope to me that if we can just "tweet" to one another, and that brings just an ounce of joy to our lives, we are making a difference. We are uniting in some way. Whether it be Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, FanFiction, Hard times, and good times, we are uniting. So, with that said the list begins:
@KaterinaGraham: KitKat has been a total inspiration to me. She is amazing, talented, REAL, and a GOOD SOUL! She's sweet and humble. She's what every person should aspire to be. (Well, her, my mom, & my nanny!) :) If you are not aware of who she is, she is an actress who plays Bonnie Bennett on 'The Vampire Diaries' on the CW, 8pm EST Thursdays. You have to follow her and check her out. KitKat, if you happen to read, I love you dearly, & thank you for giving me hope!
@TeamKatGraham: Hannah Banana!!! She is Kat's biggest fan, and through our fellow admiration of KitKat, we have gotten to know each other on Twitter. She is hilarious, and a warm person. She is always sweet, and she is one of those who can always put a smile on my face! Thank you HANNAH BANANA!!! Love you, chick!
@CqCV: Maria! This is one VERY UNBELIEVEABLE PERSON. Even though we are strangers, I feel that she is one of my dearest friends. When I'm having a bad day, and I happen to tweet....It doesn't matter what time, or anything, SHE'S THERE! She is so accomplished & such a TWEET HEART! You're amazing, Maria! I'm so glad your in my life!
@VeronicanDavis: Ver Bear! This chick is AWESOME! She is an author who recently got her book published. CHECK IT OUT! 'Blind Thirst'.....She is so honest, and caring. This woman has gotten me through a couple of hard times. She is a fellow vamp lover & TVD fanatic! AND HUGE KATERINA GRAHAM FAN! THANK YOU, VER BEAR FOR THE HEART TO HEART DM's!
@StarryMag: Lisa!! I feel like I have definately made a personal connection with Lisa. She is an editor in chief of a magazine & has a GREAT hesd one her shoulders. Unlike most people who hold a position such as hers, she's down to Earth, and one of my best Twitter friends. She recently lost her Nana, and I can somewhat relate to her pain. I'm thankful that I got to know you, Lisa!
@RobPralgo: Will the real Mayor Lockwood, please stand, please stand up! lol....Anyways. Rob!! He is an actor who played on Army Wives, and now TVD. He is amazing. Very real, and sweet. AND VERY FUNNY! He's been amazing. He always answers my tweets, even though I know he is soooo busy. He makes time! THANKS ROB!
@AnnaAllard: Anya! She is definately one of my muses! She is always there to give words of encouragement. She is so supportive, and helpful. A true friend! Thank you, Anya! I'm grateful to have met you!
@Sebastian_Yuri: TeamSebbySon, ALL THE WAY! :) Sebby is wonderful. He is so funny, and have I mentioned that he is MR. DOBREV! As is Nina Dobrev. This guy is sooo in love with her! It's sooo cute! Sebby, I don't know if Nina will read this, but I'm putting up both your videos, just for you!
@Carley_Ann_K: Yelrac!!! She is my homie! She is hilarious, and thoughtful! It has been such a pleasure tweeting with her @ getting to know her! THANKS FOR BEING YOU YELRAC!!! Love ya!
@dearcody: Code Man! I've just recently started tweeting Cody! But, he is definately a treat! We share the addiction of Twilight! EVEN THOUGH HE HASN'T READ ALL THE DAMN BOOKS! Cheater! lol....But, he's awesome is so many different ways! Thanks, Cody! YOU RAWK!
@Spoiled_Brat_09 Mary! Oh, Mary is my one of my twesties (Twitter Bestie) She is so sweet and always gushes about the hunks of New Moon and TVD with me! I don't know what I would do without you! Luv ya CHICK!
@MelissaBlack92 Mel! This is THE ULTIMATE JACOB BLACK/TAYLOR LAUTNER FAN! She is the wolf girl! & I am the vampire girl! :) Mel, you always make me laugh! You are soooooo one of my faves! Love you WOLF GIRL! :)
@Kayliebrooke: Kaylie! She is SOOO SWEET! She is one of Kat's BIGGEST FAN! I am so thankful that Katerina Graham has brought so many of us together! Kaylie, your tweets keep me going, and laughing! She did an interview with Kat and KAYLIE HAS GOT SKILLZ!!! :) Love ya, Tweet heart!
@dirtycountry: HILLBILLY DELUX! (wink, wink) These Guyz are amazing! They are a great Rock country band from Alabama! I first seen them play at whiskey river, and been in love ever since! THEY ARE DEF IN MY TOP 5 FAVE BANDS! :) & the lead singer (Craig) is a looker, too! :) LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
@ChelleA123 Michelle! This chick is made of sugar & spice & everything nice! Her words are so sweet & inspiring! She always can make me feel better, and she's just got that "I've know you forever" feel about her. THANK YOU CHELLE!!! Love ya!
Alright, that's it with the mushy mushy shiznit from me. I know I didn't list everyone, and I'm sorry! I'll do another one soon. But, geez I'm really not that much of a mushy person, and that just drained alot of energy. But, Really....All my followers, I love you all soo much! And every single one of you mean alot to me. Thank you!!! Keep following, and keep checking in here at my blog! Love yall!
Now, here are Sebby & DYoungs videos! Watch & Tweet them!!!
Well, if you had your priorities straight last night, you were stationed on your sofa in front of the television. Of course, that may be a common place, but last night was an extraordinary night for music. The American Music Awards were on, and apparently live. I, on the other hand, was not able to watch the first hour or so, but I did have some of my favorite 'tweeps' keeping me informed on what was going on until I could refocus my attention. (Big Shout out to Ashley @Ashemo - Twitter name)
Among many of the crazy happenings last night, one of the most amazing performances has to go to Lady Gaga. Never does this woman disappoint! She is always surprising her audience with an eye popping show. Cudos to her! From her light up costume, to the very primitive choreagraphy, to the glass shattering & prop use, this performance was anything, but boring! Here is a video just in case you missed it, or if you just want to watch again. I did :)
The next big performance that has gotten so much attention was from no one other than the infamous JLO. Yup, the Jennifer Lopez. Ok, let me just start off by saying that I haven't always been the biggest JLo fan, but the woman has skills. But, last night she she just couldn't seem to stay grounded. Well, I take that back.....That's all she did! Just not gracefully. I mean, honestly, we know you were a Fly Girl and all, but your 40, JLo, and those didn't exactly look like climbing boots! But, all in all, a good performance......but it had to hurt. Here's a clip from the wipeout.....OUCH
Next topic. Before I get into this, I welcome all of your comments.....I love comments, just please be considerate. Ok, Adam Lambert! I personally loved his performance. Yes, racy. Yes, edgy. Yes, provacative. But, I think we can agree that we've seen much worse. He stayed true to what he wanted, and that shows confident and courage. But, he just as JLO, wiped out, but he does it soooo well. CUDOS, ADAM! Here's his performance.
What did you think about the whole show? Anything you would like for me to cover? You know what to do.....LEAVE COMMENTS! Thanks!
Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted in like......forever. Seriously, I'm sorry. I have had so much going on, but we are not getting into that. We are going to talk JUICY, HAWT, VAMPALICIOUS, WEREWOLFTASTIC, gossip about NEW MOON. Today the movie hit the theatres. I personally went last night at midnight to see the premiere and wow. It blew me away. I have read a few articles about how some critics are saying the movie is bad and blah blah blah. Why do these idiots have to be such debbie downers? THE MOVIE WAS AMAZING. Although, some could consider me bias because of my insanely, almost disturbing obsession with the saga, the movie was still very intriquing.
I have read these books, people and the movie still kept me entertained throughout every single second. I was constantly wiping the drool from my chin because of the radiating heat from Jacob Black (played by Taylor Lautner) & Edward Cullen (played by Robert Pattinson). And I'm actually planning on going again to see it. I'm going to go see it again, but I am going to wait for the crowds to slack down.
Here are some scenes from New Moon with the gorgeous, and talented people who are the stars of this movie. And before I go, I do have to say that Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, & Kristen Stewart (yes, even her) deserve so MANY awards for there performances. They blew Twilight out of the water with this one. WOW.
I will start updating this blog more. One of the issues is I'm a total TwitterHolic. If you aren't following me by now, my name on Twitter is @llAsHLeYll I love followers!
Love you guys! NEW MOON NEW MOON NEW MOON.....ahhhh
Here are a few pictures I found on the net of Carlisle and the Wolf Pack on the Eclipse set. Maybe Leah and Seth, too. Looks very interesting. Check out Peter's shirt! Also if yo ain't already, follow me on twitter! @llAshleyll
Here's the site I found them on. I have to give credit where credit is due!
Here is a New Moon Countdown Timer for all you TwiLovers out there that just has to know exactly how long it will be until we are once again in TwiHeaven! I just love it. I have in on myspace and it's just a wonderful little widget. Just click on 'Grab' in the top right corner to post it to most sites and webpages.
Here is the website where you can also get other clocks. All thanks go to
‘The Twilight Saga: New Moon’ is without a doubt one of the most anticipated movies of 2009. Kristen Stewart (star of Twilight) and Taylor Lautner (star and hunk of New Moon) have confirmed that they will be attending the Tennessee Benefit Screening of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon". The screening will take place in Turkey Creek, Tennessee, and will be on Nov. 17th, 3 days before the premiere.
A limited amount of tickets will be made available to the public. There will also be a drawing for a chance to be present during the screening, and be at the same place and time as Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. For more information about the contest, click on the link below.
We have been given snippets for months now of what to expect. Although, I’m one of the few that wishes that the teasers and trailers would slow down a bit, only because I want to be excited, it still doesn’t help that people all over the globe are literally going insane waiting on the big premiere. We now have an excruciating 65 days before we can sink our fangs into this yummy, shirtless, hunk filled, and climatic movie.
I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try to get my chance at being around the stars of New Moon! Make sure to check out that link to see the full article about this news.
Ok, I just read on a site that Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner are to release an EXCLUSIVE New Moon SNEAK PEEK at the VMA's on Sept. 13, 2009. That's a Sunday FYI! You cannot miss this! I'm almost getting upset a little bit because so many things have been released from Summit, and by people leaking info out. I want all this good stuff in the movie to surprise me.
Now, I have to admit, I'm not complaining about seeing more half nakedness of Jacob. (No, it doesn't bother me :)) And I'm definately not complaining about seeing more of the EdMan himself, but I just want to be surprised. Am I the only one that feels that way? I hope not, but if so. OH WELL. But, nonetheless, I will be sitting on my sofa, Sunday, Sept. 13, 2009, just waiting VERY IMPATIENTLY for this to happen!
Let me know what you think about this. Since we know it's only a Sneak Peek, what more would you like to see? Leave me a comment. You don't have to be a member. Just let me know what you think.
Also, hit me up on Twitter!
Here's the link to the site where I got the info. I have to give credit where credit is due!
Here is just a quick update! This a link that tells you all about how Death Cab for Cutie, which is a band, is confirmed to be on New Moon's soundtrack with a new single named 'Meet me on the Equinox.'
Also, they are hoping to get RPattz to be in the video! AHHHH, all I can say is if they do, that will be probably the most watched music video on YouTube! Am I right?!? Have Fun!
Ok, as usual, this is starting to appear to be just a NEW MOON blog....which is fine with me, but I also like to talk about other stuff. So, before I get into the good, juicy, hunky, stuff let me vent for a minute. Ok, I'm really super pissed at my sis-n-law. She is a stupid Biatch! Ok, I feel a little better. Secondly, I'M SICK OF JON & KATE!!!!! Omg, they talk shit about each other, and are having sex with other people! Really?!? Could you not find anything else to write about! So, annoying. Well, on a lighter note, I went to today and chatted with PFaci, BBurk, RDefranc, and some chick.....yea sorry, it was Jenn something. Anyways, it was alot of fun! You can go to their twitter and find out wwhenever they will have chats and things! Awesome site! Here's the link for that. Ok, now to the nitty gritty. I know that I haven't put much stuff on here, and to be honest I'm getting a little discouraged because I don't think anyone really visits, but I'm keeping my head. Why?!?! You ask, well because HAVE YOU SEEN THAT FRIGGIN PICTURE OF KELLAN?!? I'm drooling again. UGH! I'm gonna put up the New Moon Trailer 2 for everyone to see. I know everyone has already seen it, but be honest....who ain't gonna watch it again. Alright, well I'm about to go do some homework. College Trig. YAY! Anyways, I'm about to put up a couple of links. MAKE SURE TO CHECK THESE OUT! <---(I know all ya'll prolly got it, just putting it out there.) P.S. - I'm still obsessed with the Meet Jacob Black vid because (OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M SAYING THIS) even tho I'm all Team Edward and stuff, Jacob/Taylor is looking HOT. My 2 fave parts - Taylor says: (30lbs Bigger...with a smirk! Delish!!) & At the end....don't close the vid out wait for the whole thing to play. Jacob says: (Don't get me upset) Just being honest, I would have so jumped him then and there had I been present! Ok shutting up now! HAVE A FANAWESOME DAY! Don't forget to sign up for Blogger so you can leave me comments, and check out my twitter!
I'm sorry it's been forever since I've blogged! I've had so much going on. I have been OBSESSED with If you haven't checked it out, you just absolutely HAVE TOO! There has been so much that has went down in the past month or so I don't even know where to start. First of all, MJ...RIP. The whole Jon & Kate thing. I think I'll just pass on that drama llama! I've seen in several mags that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have made themselves official. I'm still very skeptical of this fact because they seem like really private people. but who knows. If you go some good info let me know. I've been getting on twitter alot lately! COME FOLLOW ME! Twitter is great! My username is llAsHLeYll Those are lowercase L's on each side. Anyways, I'm going to leave you with a very yummy picture. I'll be updating more, now that things haev settled down on the homefront!
Here is the first glimpse of Dakota Fanning as Jane in the upcoming movie, New Moon. If you have read the books, you know that the character Jane is a child like vampire with a very sadistic attitude. Of course, I think that they hit the nail right on the head with picking Dakota Fanning to play this part. She is so innocent looking, but a very talented actress, who I think will give justice to this character. I am a huge fan of these books, and I think New Moon is going to be VERY VERY GOOD!
On the MTV Movie Awards, on May 31, 2009, their were some very exciting things going on. The Twilight movie swept out the house by winning majority of the popcorn trophies, Andy Samburg was hilarious when he ended up naked in Justin Timberlake's limo, Forest Whitaker sang "Dick-n-a-bOX" Opera style, BUTT....The funniest and still talked about moment of the night - besides of course RPattz and TayLa - was when Bruno, played by Sasha Baron Cohen landed in a wing+thong outfit on Eminem's lap. Now, the controversy is that some are saying that it was all real, and Eminem seriously got POed and walked out, but some are saying that it was all staged. Ryan Seacrest posted on Twitter that it was all real and Eminem had no idea that Bruno would land on his lap. Eminem is also saying that he was not let in on the prank. Now, we have some unknown reps from MTV saying that it was a planned prank and Eminem was completely aware that Bruno would land in his lap, BUT he did not know that the comedian would only be wearing a thong and would put his BARE BOTTOM in his face. On E!News, June 2, 2009, Ryan Seacrest stated that a MTV rep did say that it was all staged and even PRACTICED! So, the buttcheeks on poor lil Slim Shady were not unfamiliar, after all!
MTV officially made my dreams come true last night! I have been waiting....for months...for a trailer or teaser for New Moon! I know we got a little 15 second snippet, which was great, but it just kept us wanting more. This teaser is amazing. I think this movie is going to blow Twilight out of the water. Now, don't get me wrong. Twilight is my favortie movie, for now. I still watch it at least once a week. But, I have a feeling that New Moon is going to be my fave, at least until Eclipse comes out. The effects with Jacob turning into a wolf looks great. OMG...I just can't wait for this movie. Okay, I've talked enough, I'll go ahead and let you watch the Trailer! ENJOY!!!
There was just a New Moon Teaser released by ET! It's only 15 seconds long, but OMG....Rob is looking very good, and Kristen looks nice as well. But....ahh....if you read the books, you know whats coming! I hope you enjoy!
Because I'm 23, pretty fashionable, great celeb taste, and VERY OUTSPOKEN! I love to blog about anything, as long as it's news worthy. My latest obsession is The Twilight Saga! I read all 4 books inside of a week, but that's a whole nother blog. I love writing and knowing that people are reading. I get little spaced out from time to time, but I promise to not dissappoint. I will always bring juicy stuff. My goal is to keep all people in the know! Make sure you visit regularly, post comments, give me some ideas, and tell everyone about Lady.Blog!
Welcome to MsLadyBlog! This is a blog all about the hottest stuff around. Beware of randomness,interviews, amazing updates on the hottest shows & celebs, & frequent shout-outs to amazing people.