The Hottest News on the Hottest Stars

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dakota Fanning as Jane in New Moon

Here is the first glimpse of Dakota Fanning as Jane in the upcoming movie, New Moon. If you have read the books, you know that the character Jane is a child like vampire with a very sadistic attitude. Of course, I think that they hit the nail right on the head with picking Dakota Fanning to play this part. She is so innocent looking, but a very talented actress, who I think will give justice to this character. I am a huge fan of these books, and I think New Moon is going to be VERY VERY GOOD!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fan Made New Moon Poster

I had to post this. I thought it was so funny. It really captures the essense of Jacob's emotions towards Bella & Edwards relationship!

New Moon

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bruno in Thong = A$$ in Eminem's face!


On the MTV Movie Awards, on May 31, 2009, their were some very exciting things going on. The Twilight movie swept out the house by winning majority of the popcorn trophies, Andy Samburg was hilarious when he ended up naked in Justin Timberlake's limo, Forest Whitaker sang "Dick-n-a-bOX" Opera style, BUTT....The funniest and still talked about moment of the night - besides of course RPattz and TayLa - was when Bruno, played by Sasha Baron Cohen landed in a wing+thong outfit on Eminem's lap. Now, the controversy is that some are saying that it was all real, and Eminem seriously got POed and walked out, but some are saying that it was all staged. Ryan Seacrest posted on Twitter that it was all real and Eminem had no idea that Bruno would land on his lap. Eminem is also saying that he was not let in on the prank. Now, we have some unknown reps from MTV saying that it was a planned prank and Eminem was completely aware that Bruno would land in his lap, BUT he did not know that the comedian would only be wearing a thong and would put his BARE BOTTOM in his face. On E!News, June 2, 2009, Ryan Seacrest stated that a MTV rep did say that it was all staged and even PRACTICED! So, the buttcheeks on poor lil Slim Shady were not unfamiliar, after all!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Official New Moon Trailer

MTV officially made my dreams come true last night! I have been waiting....for months...for a trailer or teaser for New Moon! I know we got a little 15 second snippet, which was great, but it just kept us wanting more. This teaser is amazing. I think this movie is going to blow Twilight out of the water. Now, don't get me wrong. Twilight is my favortie movie, for now. I still watch it at least once a week. But, I have a feeling that New Moon is going to be my fave, at least until Eclipse comes out. The effects with Jacob turning into a wolf looks great. OMG...I just can't wait for this movie. Okay, I've talked enough, I'll go ahead and let you watch the Trailer! ENJOY!!!