The Hottest News on the Hottest Stars

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Carlisle & Wolf Pack on Eclipse set

Here are a few pictures I found on the net of Carlisle and the Wolf Pack on the Eclipse set. Maybe Leah and Seth, too. Looks very interesting. Check out Peter's shirt!
Also if yo ain't already, follow me on twitter! @llAshleyll

Here's the site I found them on. I have to give credit where credit is due!

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Moon Countdown Timer

Here is a New Moon Countdown Timer for all you TwiLovers out there that just has to know exactly how long it will be until we are once again in TwiHeaven! I just love it. I have in on myspace and it's just a wonderful little widget. Just click on 'Grab' in the top right corner to post it to most sites and webpages.

Here is the website where you can also get other clocks. All thanks go to

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chance to be at the Screening of New Moon With Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner!!!

‘The Twilight Saga: New Moon’ is without a doubt one of the most anticipated movies of 2009. Kristen Stewart (star of Twilight) and Taylor Lautner (star and hunk of New Moon) have confirmed that they will be attending the Tennessee Benefit Screening of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon". The screening will take place in Turkey Creek, Tennessee, and will be on Nov. 17th, 3 days before the premiere.

A limited amount of tickets will be made available to the public. There will also be a drawing for a chance to be present during the screening, and be at the same place and time as Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. For more information about the contest, click on the link below.

We have been given snippets for months now of what to expect. Although, I’m one of the few that wishes that the teasers and trailers would slow down a bit, only because I want to be excited, it still doesn’t help that people all over the globe are literally going insane waiting on the big premiere. We now have an excruciating 65 days before we can sink our fangs into this yummy, shirtless, hunk filled, and climatic movie.

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try to get my chance at being around the stars of New Moon! Make sure to check out that link to see the full article about this news.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Moon Exclusive Sneek Peek to be Released By New Moon Starz at VMA's!

Ok, I just read on a site that Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner are to release an EXCLUSIVE New Moon SNEAK PEEK at the VMA's on Sept. 13, 2009. That's a Sunday FYI! You cannot miss this! I'm almost getting upset a little bit because so many things have been released from Summit, and by people leaking info out. I want all this good stuff in the movie to surprise me.

Now, I have to admit, I'm not complaining about seeing more half nakedness of Jacob. (No, it doesn't bother me :)) And I'm definately not complaining about seeing more of the EdMan himself, but I just want to be surprised. Am I the only one that feels that way? I hope not, but if so. OH WELL. But, nonetheless, I will be sitting on my sofa, Sunday, Sept. 13, 2009, just waiting VERY IMPATIENTLY for this to happen!

Let me know what you think about this. Since we know it's only a Sneak Peek, what more would you like to see? Leave me a comment. You don't have to be a member. Just let me know what you think.

Also, hit me up on Twitter!

Here's the link to the site where I got the info. I have to give credit where credit is due!